Mentava is building software to support independent, accelerated K12 learning

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How I got 50 high-profile angel investors to join our seed round

When I set out to raise the seed round for Mentava (an edtech startup to accelerate childhood learning) earlier this year, I knew it would be a challenge. I was a solo, non-technical, first-time founder, pre-product, pre-team, without an impressive resume or connections to the investors I wanted.


Our seed round

‍Today, I’m excited to announce Mentava’s $3m seed funding to accelerate education. Starting with 2 year olds.‍ The round was led by Quiet with support from Floodgate, Tim Ferriss, and more than 50 other amazing angels (like Eric Ries, Garry Tan, Ryan Petersen…) 


Hello world

Hello everyone, and happy birthday to Mentava!