Reading. Better.
Mentava guides students step-by-step along the entire reading journey from zero to independent reading. It's designed from the ground up to turn kids into self-sufficient, independent learners. Mentava frees up teachers and gives them more time to focus on developing the whole child.
How Mentava Works
Mentava's reading program is based on cutting-edge scientific research. Our priority is building experiences that educate students, not just entertain them.
Mentava is not an app designed for passive consumption; it's a comprehensive learning solution tailored for excellence. Informed by best practices from leading educators, our software-based daily tutor is built to deliver unparalleled effectiveness in learning outcomes. We pride ourselves on our efficiency, with an intuitive design that reduces administrative workload and accelerates educational progress.
Mentava follows the “flipped classroom” educational model. Rather than relying on a teacher to teach material, which requires all students to progress at the same pace, we follow a learner-centered model in which a student can progress as soon as they understand a topic. We use software tools that support adaptive, individualized learning, while instructors monitor student progress and give supplemental instruction when needed.
Mentava is not private school. It is not intended as a wholesale replacement for your child's regular school. Nor do we want to be your child's "school after the school day". Our goal is to allow your child to continue being part of their local school community, attending school with peers their own age, but without restrictions on their pace of their learning.
Teacher Resources
Whole-Group Decoding Assessment
A whole-group decoding assessment and diagnostic. Can be printed and given to an entire class at the same time. Includes teacher guide and answer key.
Mentava Scope and Sequence
The sequence of phonics concepts, skills, and sight words in Mentava’s curriculum. Includes a mapping to common core skills and grade levels.
Educational Partners
Give your students who are ready to learn more, a little more. Few schools are equipped to handle the difference in learning speeds within grads. Mentava can supplement in-classroom teaching and let students learn at their own pace.
See our Scope and Sequence document here.
Mentava's software-based daily tutor is designed to fully support students in their learning journeys. As students become increasingly self-sufficient learners, teacher bandwidth increases. With more bandwidth, teachers can focus their time on the most critical interventions, without sacrificing the learning needs of the rest of the class.
For district administrators, ensuring that all students have access to the best educational resources is a top priority. Mentava's software-based daily tutor offers a scalable, premium educational experience that drives effectiveness and efficiency in learning. Our solution is designed to seamlessly integrate into any school, providing a consistent, high-quality learning experience that accelerates student success across a district